
life's LITTLE blessings...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


       Why do they say that love is synonymous to stupidity? Is it because you love even after you were hurt? You love even if that someone doesn't and cant love you back? You love with him not knowing? Or is it because you still love even after the relationship has ended?



Is it the hearts fault? Maybe it ought to have chosen someone better. Maybe it should have
forewarned you first. Maybe, it shouldn't have loved at all. If we could just choose the one then maybe everything will be perfect. No more sorrows. No more pain. No more broken hearts

If I will be given the chance to choose, who do you think will I pick? Guess. Its still you. It seems irrational, almost unbelievable isnt it? Yeah. I always tell that to myself. Why, of all people, why you? I dont know. Reasons seem to be beyond approach. I've been hurt, just like everyone else and still, I am here. Dont tell me to stop, I wont listen. My heart wont listen.

A friend told me that I was just making a fool of myself. I shook my head. You see, I just want you to feel the passion, the fervor, the feeling of having someone that loves and cares for you. Is that wrong? I didnt love for myself. For my part, it isnt beneficial at all. A
demonstrable proof that love is indeed the same as stupidity.

I am stupid. I am a fool. I am in love

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