
life's LITTLE blessings...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A letter to myself.

Dear Kristina,

A life has been given to me by God, and I feel great and happy for the chance I have received. All things that are created by god has its beginning and ending because it is part of god’s plan. I can't even begin to express how happy I am that I have come into this world.

           I will treasure every moments in my life for it will happen only once for life is only one and if I wasted it I cannot turn it back. For life cannot be returned I must learn to live life to the fullest. Do those things I want to do for there is a time that is given for me but I must learn all my limitations.  I am not ready to go to my final destination in life. Death is the event in my life that I am scared of to happen. I just can’t figure out death, it is like very complicated .I want to be with my family, and I want to spend more time with them.  

I want to live longer for there are still a lot of things I want to do in my life. I love those time I have spend in my life just wish there was more of it and that it would lasted longer than it does. But I am thankful for that time. I know it is really hard to understand .I learn that there is nothing I should fear of and I must face it as a challenge in my life. I must be ready for I know that if the time might come it just happened for a certain purpose.

Yours truly,

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