
life's LITTLE blessings...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can there be a relationship without sex?

   You can probably see how unconditional love can help a sexual relationship in a marriage. In order for sex to be most fulfilling, it should be experienced in an atmosphere of caring and acceptance. Sex, viewed in this manner, becomes not a self-centered performance but a significant expression of mutual love.

There are relationships and there are friendships. You can have a relationship without sex. There is certainly no hurry when it comes to sex. I personally prefer to take my time. As the relationship grows, sex will quiet naturally happen without any pre-planning. In fact, it will be much better if it is not planned. If you rush sex you may keep a relationship from forming.

You fell in love with the person, not his penis or her vagina, and while usage of those organs usually creates a stronger emotional bond between people, they are not absolutely required to keep the chemistry going. Besides, there are some who do not enjoy sex for various reasons, thus sex is not the least important in certain relationships.

Sex can improve a couple's relationship but is not directly essential. You can love someone you can have a relationship. It is possible to keep them going without sex. Sex is just another dimension to a relationship. People do have relationships without sex and it can be a loving, healthy relationship.

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