
life's LITTLE blessings...

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Kindle Wireless Reading Device

Kindle 3G (Free 3G + Wi-Fi) is the easiest option because there is no wireless setup—you are ready to shop, purchase, and read right out of the box. Built-in Free 3G connectivity uses the same wireless signals that cell phones use, but there are no monthly fees or commitments—Amazon pays for The Kindle Wireless Reading Device connectivity. The added convenience of 3G enables you to download books anytime, anywhere, while on the go—without having to find a Wi-Fi hotspot connection. With wireless coverage in over 100 countries and territories, Kindle 3G is a great option for travelers.

Kindle (Wi-Fi) is a great choice if you already have a high-speed internet connection and wireless router set up in your home and do not need the added convenience of a 3G connection. 3G enables you to download books anytime, anywhere, while on the go. If you do not have Wi-Fi set up in your home, Kindle 3G may be a better option. more kindle reviews..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can there be a relationship without sex?

   You can probably see how unconditional love can help a sexual relationship in a marriage. In order for sex to be most fulfilling, it should be experienced in an atmosphere of caring and acceptance. Sex, viewed in this manner, becomes not a self-centered performance but a significant expression of mutual love.

There are relationships and there are friendships. You can have a relationship without sex. There is certainly no hurry when it comes to sex. I personally prefer to take my time. As the relationship grows, sex will quiet naturally happen without any pre-planning. In fact, it will be much better if it is not planned. If you rush sex you may keep a relationship from forming.

You fell in love with the person, not his penis or her vagina, and while usage of those organs usually creates a stronger emotional bond between people, they are not absolutely required to keep the chemistry going. Besides, there are some who do not enjoy sex for various reasons, thus sex is not the least important in certain relationships.

Sex can improve a couple's relationship but is not directly essential. You can love someone you can have a relationship. It is possible to keep them going without sex. Sex is just another dimension to a relationship. People do have relationships without sex and it can be a loving, healthy relationship.

A letter to myself.

Dear Kristina,

A life has been given to me by God, and I feel great and happy for the chance I have received. All things that are created by god has its beginning and ending because it is part of god’s plan. I can't even begin to express how happy I am that I have come into this world.

           I will treasure every moments in my life for it will happen only once for life is only one and if I wasted it I cannot turn it back. For life cannot be returned I must learn to live life to the fullest. Do those things I want to do for there is a time that is given for me but I must learn all my limitations.  I am not ready to go to my final destination in life. Death is the event in my life that I am scared of to happen. I just can’t figure out death, it is like very complicated .I want to be with my family, and I want to spend more time with them.  

I want to live longer for there are still a lot of things I want to do in my life. I love those time I have spend in my life just wish there was more of it and that it would lasted longer than it does. But I am thankful for that time. I know it is really hard to understand .I learn that there is nothing I should fear of and I must face it as a challenge in my life. I must be ready for I know that if the time might come it just happened for a certain purpose.

Yours truly,


       Why do they say that love is synonymous to stupidity? Is it because you love even after you were hurt? You love even if that someone doesn't and cant love you back? You love with him not knowing? Or is it because you still love even after the relationship has ended?



Is it the hearts fault? Maybe it ought to have chosen someone better. Maybe it should have
forewarned you first. Maybe, it shouldn't have loved at all. If we could just choose the one then maybe everything will be perfect. No more sorrows. No more pain. No more broken hearts

If I will be given the chance to choose, who do you think will I pick? Guess. Its still you. It seems irrational, almost unbelievable isnt it? Yeah. I always tell that to myself. Why, of all people, why you? I dont know. Reasons seem to be beyond approach. I've been hurt, just like everyone else and still, I am here. Dont tell me to stop, I wont listen. My heart wont listen.

A friend told me that I was just making a fool of myself. I shook my head. You see, I just want you to feel the passion, the fervor, the feeling of having someone that loves and cares for you. Is that wrong? I didnt love for myself. For my part, it isnt beneficial at all. A
demonstrable proof that love is indeed the same as stupidity.

I am stupid. I am a fool. I am in love

A glimpse into my inner world

          No matter how many times people teach us to do better, we usually have to learn our lessons the hard way in order to have them really sink in. Regardless of how many times my parents told me that I should learn the value of being morally, spiritually and socially responsible in all my ways. A reminder that would just passed from one ear to another sometimes too boring as considered monotonous and routine.

When I was in fourth year high school, the only thing which my mother asked me was to be in the honor’s list. She was so frustrated then because I was not able to maintain my grades due to tardiness. I was a late riser. I was always late in going to school which resulted to C- grade and I was suspended every school for tardiness.

Over the last two months I’ve come to realize that for the last 19 years I have had absolutely no clue how to love myself. I thought that sacrificing myself, my desires, my dreams was the way to happiness. I grew up with this strange notion that my voice wasn’t the one that was important. Other people knew better than I did what was good for me, so I went along with whatever “they” said. It’s no wonder I was lonely, depressed, miserable and confused. I hadn’t learned to listen to myself. I am finally learning now that loving isn’t about sacrifice; it’s about giving and tuning into what feels good.


          I’m talking about connected, spiritual “feels good.” Healthy, Balance, Open, Compassionate or the highest and best good of service to others.

           When I don’t take care of me by staying up late, keeping my truth to myself, eating crappy food, spending more money than I have, doing activities that I’d rather not do. I turn into a major crap. I become completely useless to the people around me. I thought that I am matured enough to managed my self because I am more independent and more responsible than my siblings. I am scolded whenever I went home late having fun with friends such as malling, shopping, eat out, etc. without asking permission because I often forget to ask permission ahead of time. My weakness is that I have no savings like my brother because I am easily attracted to nice things that I tend to overspend.

This co-dependent thing runs really deep. REALLY deep. I can no longer allow myself to live a truth other than my own. If I don’t want to do something, then I don’t need to do it. If I want to do something, that is what I’ll do. It’s not about living someone else’s life anymore, it’s about living mine.

Every experience I’ve been in has led me back to myself. All along, It is me I have been looking for. Only until now I didn’t realize that. I stand here, in front of you, at 11:40 in the morning, and am so grateful to be where I am. To realize that I AM worth it. It’s who I am. It’s what I do. When I act lovingly toward myself, I am able to act lovingly toward others. It’s all about me. It really is. I am responsible for giving me everything I need. I am responsible for my happiness. I am responsible for my life. I am responsible for my emotions. I am responsible for my experience. I am responsible for my perception. And part of that is incredibly loving into what I think and speak toward myself.

There have been numerous bits of wisdom that I have had to learn the hard way. Some have been more serious. But they have all learned as a result of my moments of ignorance, stupidity, or just plain stubbornness. But as I keep learning how to step back in my life. I am discovering more and more that many lessons are good not to learn through personal experience. As my high school classmate and neighbor got pregnant, I recalled the phrase in one of my favorite book that “a smart person learns from his own mistakes, but a truly wise person can learn from the mistakes of others.”